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Panda ELD

Panda ELD FAQ's

Common questions & Answers to Your ELD and Fleet Management Questions

Welcome to the Panda ELD FAQ page, where we address your most pressing questions about Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) and efficient fleet management. Discover comprehensive explanations and solutions to common queries about FMCSA compliance, ELD installation, data usage, and more. At Panda ELD, we’re dedicated to providing you with the knowledge you need to optimize your trucking operations and embrace seamless compliance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Clearing Your Doubts: Answers to Your ELD and Fleet Management Questions

Yes, in accordance with the FMCSA’s ELD Mandate, our ELD Compliance Solution has been registered and certified by the FMCSA.
No, with our ELD, physical logs are not required. Our ELD can electronically transfer data, and screen displays can also be presented when necessary. However, additional information may be requested by enforcement officers via email, fax, or similar means within 48 hours of the roadside inspection.
Yes, Panda ELD is designed to notify drivers and safety officials of potential violations in advance. Notifications are sent 1 hour, 30 minutes, 15 minutes, and 5 minutes before the violation occurs.
While ELD devices can connect to cell phones, for optimal performance, we recommend using our application on a tablet.
The installation of the Panda ELD device is straightforward. Plug the ELD device into the diagnostics port of your vehicle, then input the ELD Device MAC Address on the app. The device should be paired and ready to use.
Drivers can create DVIRs using the Panda ELD Electronic Logbook App. The DVIRs created in the app can be accessed by fleet managers through the Panda ELD Portal (Dashboard).
Most likely, yes. The Panda ELD can be plugged into standard 6-pin, 9-pin, or OBDII diagnostic ports. Special cable harnesses are available for Mack or Volvo trucks made after 2013. Y-cables are also provided for cable management.
The Panda ELD App typically uses about 100 MB of data a month, making it an affordable option for users. Most cellular plans offer 1-10 GB of data a month.
No, drivers can use both the Panda ELD and Electronic Logbook App offline. To back up data or share logs, Wi-Fi is required. For regular usage, having a cellular data plan is recommended.
A driver’s driving time is automatically recorded when the driver’s mobile device is connected to the ELD via Bluetooth and the vehicle is registered in the Panda ELD App. A vehicle is considered in motion when it travels over 5 mph.
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